Call for Papers

The topic of the paper submitted to this conference is included but not limited to:

  • Optics
  • Electronics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Material Engineering
  • Precision Manufacturing
  • Precision Measurement
  • Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical and Material Engineering
  • Precision Inspection
  • Micro-manufacturing and Assembly Technologies
  • Precision Control
  • MEMS
  • Science and Technology
  • Applied Science, Engineering and Technology
  • Automation Science and Engineering
  • Smart Green Technology
  • Nano Science
  • Renewable Energy Resources
  • Durable and Thin Membranes
  • Catalyst material synthesis
  • Characterization and Modeling of Fuel Cell
  • Intelligent sensors
  • Development of green power facility
  • Energy saving sterilization
  • Any other topic related to Precision Engineering